Nullmax Delivers Reliable Autonomous Driving Solution to Top China's OEM

Date: 2024-04-16

Nullmax, a leading autonomous driving company, has recently announced the successful delivery of its MaxDrive autonomous driving solution to one of China's top OEMs.

Nullmax is at the forefront of developing innovative solutions for autonomous driving. With a commitment to safety, efficiency, and performance, Nullmax's technologies are designed to meet the diverse needs of OEMs and end users alike.

The MaxDrive is the world's first 8 TOPS solution capable of full-scene driving and parking. This autonomous driving solution is powered by a single TDA4 chip and utilizes front-view and fisheye cameras to achieve a range of ADAS (Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems) functions, including Highway NOP (Navigate on Pilot), and Home-Zone Parking

This delivery to a top Chinese automaker signifies a strong endorsement of Nullmax's autonomous driving technology, showcasing the maturity of Nullmax's Products and its leading position in commercial advancement.

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